What Determines One’s Level Of Creativity?

Nov 9th, 2010 | By | Category: General News

Creativity is an act of faith and an art of discovery. It is the ability of a person to create something that is new to world based upon an innovation. To some extent creativity lies in every person whether he is a famous scientist or lower grade employee Give shape to your thoughts and bring your thoughts into life. Don’t be protractive in giving life to your innovation.

Did you ever think of what the difference is between and ordinary person and highly creative people? Both have the same body structure so where the difference lies? The answer to this question is that between a simple man and highly creative people the difference lies in mind, attitude and perception. The main characteristics where the creativity of a person can be judged are:

Unconventional: Creative people are not conventional. They need not stick to society norms and standards. They believe only in what they feel is right. They can bring end to existing conventions.

Inventive: Creative people are highly intelligent and are constantly coming up with innovative ideas. They are always in search of what is missing in world and what could be done more to make life better.

Driven: Creative people are driven by their vision. They have a strong desire to convert their vision into their achievements.

Vision: Creative people are visionary. Their vision lies in their heart and soul. And their priority is always towards their vision.

Intuitive: Creative people are highly intuitive. The work they have to do originate in their soul. They listen their soul and let their soul guide them in their life.

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